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[ 4700m - 3000m ]


In the heart of the Andes, the paramos rise like ancient guardians, cradling a tale of biodiversity and resilience ...

These high-altitude plateaus, shrouded in mist, harbor unique species, including the emblematic frailejones

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Condors navigate their lofty domains, and from these heights, rivers begin their descent, carving a vital lifeline through diverse thermal landscapes


The paramos, with their austere beauty, serve as both sanctuary and source, weaving a narrative of endurance and life that echoes through Latin America's natural heritage

[ 2000m - 3000m ]


As you descend from the lofty paramos, a transformation unfolds...

Here, amidst lush greenery, potatoes, curubas, and feijoas flourish, offering a taste of the land's abundance


The Andean bear wonders with quiet grace, blending seamlessly into its lush surroundings


[ 1000m - 2000m ]


As you transition to the temperate thermal floor, a panorama of abundance unfolds before you....

Here, within the gentle climate, diversity thrives in a vibrant display of life. From elusive pumas to slithering snakes and colorful parrots, a symphony of fauna fills the air with its presence


Diversity emerges as the protagonist, creating a landscape of vibrant colors. It's a patchwork of species, each playing its essential part while coexisting

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[ 1000m - 2000m ]


Among the verdant cacao trees, towering banana palms, and resilient coffee plants, the ecosystem thrives in harmonious balance, supporting an extraordinary range of biodiversity.


The vibrant flora and fauna, from agile monkeys to colorful parrots, create a dynamic interplay where each species contributes to the health and vitality of the tropics...


[ 0000m - 1000m ]


In the lower floors, the sun shines brightly as the land meets the sea.,,

In the lore of Latin American indigenous ancestors, the final and warmest thermal floor held a sacred tribute to the sun, revered as a deity. To them, gold symbolized the sun's radiant power, its allure attracting colonizers driven by wealth and conquest. As the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez aptly stated, Gold was the strength of the conquest and the origin of what we are (García Márquez, 1994)


Within this cultural and historical backdrop, many species thrive, including orchids, banana trees, and lotus flowers, contributing to the rich biodiversity that has flourished in this land throughout the centuries

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